Get the most out of Xero for timely, accurate, and useful financials.
“How do I use Xero to answer financial questions?
“Am I using Xero the most efficient way?
Xero is a beautiful, simple, yet powerful accounting software, which is often under-utilised.
You probably wonder if your accounting could be done faster, in less time, quicker after the end of the month, and with more consistency.
You might want to get more insights out of the financial statements.
You might wonder if Xero is still the right solution for your business.
We want to help you make the most out of Xero and gain live financial visibility, even if you’re not an accountant.
The training is for up to 6 people in one company (or group of companies)
The training is run by a Certified Xero Advisor, with 6+ years of experience and dozens of companies of different size (like… from inception to million $ revenue).
2019 © Future Flow